Sunday, February 27, 2011

Another Day Passes By

Today Milah took leave so I have to replace her going to tesco to buy foodstuff and groceries.I cooked filaf rice with mutton and a bit pot of dalca.Alhamdulillah, everyone in my family enjoy the food so much. I was cooking and at the same type chatting with akajon through skype.Alhamdulillah, this time, I got to see him online.Later in the afternoon,Hafiza and Marezuan came for lunch.Myself,Maryam and papa Hanna went to buy bread at Delifrance.InsyaAllah,this coming Tuesday,I am going back to Penang with papa Hana.Subhanallah,I am very full today,ate too much of food....I can see Akajon is putting on weight as well.

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